Maya Educational Foundation • P.O. Box 1483 • Wellfleet, MA 02667, USA • Phone 508-349-1330

Maya Traditions

Maya Traditions is a fair-trade non-profit organization in Panajachel, Guatemala and has been working with Maya women weavers since 1997.

They offer the weavers help with design, production and sale of their goods, as well as workshops in health and the use of traditional medicinal herbs for healing and for sale. Responding to a great need and request by the women they work with, Maya Traditions began a scholarship program for the weavers’ children. Maya Traditions in 2021 let go of their fair trade activities, taking care to transition all the weavers to other fair-trade sales partners. They have decided to concentrate on projects of education and health.

The program is well coordinated and student progress is closely monitored. The students participate in community service projects as a way of giving back.

After attending a workshop, usually delivered by an outside group, the students repeat what they have learned in classes and sessions in their home communities.

Recent topics have included living in a more environmentally responsible way, sexual health and birth control, indigenous identity, and discrimination against Mayas.

Since 2007 the Maya Educational Foundation has given support to Maya Traditions’ scholarship program which currently helps 84 children.

Your donation of $200 a month supports a Maya student at university level.

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