Maya Educational Foundation • P.O. Box 1483 • Wellfleet, MA 02667, USA • Phone 508-349-1330

Latest news

In this space, we will highlight special MEF news items. For more, please see our Facebook page.

Mid Year Letters 2024

Dear Friends: Hoping that this finds you well, we wish that our midyear letter to you could capture all the news and
Bulletin No. 36 April 2024

Bulletin No. 36 April 2024

Dear Friends: With Spring in the air here in New England, we hope this update finds you well. We are pleased to

Bulletin No. 35 January 2024

Dear Friends: With 2024 now well underway, we wish to thank those of you who have sent contributions to support MEF programs
Bulletin No. 34 November 2023 MEF

Bulletin No. 34 November 2023

Dear Friends: With 2023 rushing towards its end, we wanted to take this moment before the Thanksgiving holiday to give you some

Bulletin No. 33 August 2023

Dear Friends: We hope you are having a good summer. ELP-Guatemala is going strong. Today, we would like to express gratitude to our

Bulletin No. 32 June 2023

Dear Friends: We just put our 2023 midyear letter in the mail and hope for a good response in order to be able
Meet Recent MEF Graduates 2023

Meet Recent MEF Graduates

Dear Friends: This year, the majority of our scholarship students in Guatemala, Mexico, and Belize have finally been able to transition from

Bulletin No. 31 March 2023

Spring is in the Air! Here in New England, the first spring flowers are coming out now and everything feels new again,

From the Daniele Agostino Derossi Foundation’s Armando Alfonzo comes this upsetting news

“Dear friends, I am writing to share with you the sad news of the unexpected and sudden death of Joan Robinson, who

Bulletin No.30 February 2023

Dear Friends of MEF:We have started the New Year strong and busy, with MEF support for 2023 sent out already or on

2022 marks the 30th year of MEF as a nonprofit

Two Important Anniversaries To celebrate these two milestones, we created our 30th MEF Anniversary Campaign. The campaign goal is to raise enough
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