Maya Educational Foundation • P.O. Box 1483 • Wellfleet, MA 02667, USA • Phone 508-349-1330

Our Mission

MEF supports programs dedicated to the educational and professional advancement of Maya people. 

How we achieve this mission

With our focus on higher education, we partner with proven nonprofits in Guatemala, Mexico, and Belize in order to provide university-level scholarships to promising and determined Maya students from impoverished economic backgrounds.

In order to increase educational access for Maya students in remote areas, we work with nonprofits who encourage students to advance towards vocational high-school or university.

We make sure that all our scholarship programs show a high representation of women and girls and respect for Maya culture and traditions.
We support the efforts of two important guardians of historical and cultural heritage of the Mesoamerican region: CIRMA in Guatemala and Sna Jtz’ibajom in Mexico.

This year MEF provides scholarships for 490 Maya students:
210 at university level and 280 at middle and high school levels.