Making a difference with your donations to MEF
Your donations are changing lives. Students who only dreamed of studying at university are able to do so because of the MEF scholarships that your generosity makes possible. Here is a Spanish-language video from our partner organization FEPMaya where you can see and hear MEF scholarship graduates speak.
- All
- Esperanza Juvenil
- Amigos de Santa Cruz
- ELP (English Language Program)
- Scholarships for Mayan students
- FEPMaya
- Grupo Cajolá
- Mexico Chiapas
- Sna Jtz’ibajom
- Julian Cho Society
- Ben & Lois Paul Scholarship Program
- All
- Esperanza Juvenil
- Amigos de Santa Cruz
- ELP (English Language Program)
- Scholarships for Mayan students
- FEPMaya
- Grupo Cajolá
- Mexico Chiapas
- Sna Jtz’ibajom
- Julian Cho Society
- Ben & Lois Paul Scholarship Program