Maya Educational Foundation • P.O. Box 1483 • Wellfleet, MA 02667, USA • Phone 508-349-1330

You are making a big difference!

With your contributions we have been able to thus far purchase 30 laptops and distribute to students at our two major scholarship program partners FEPMaya in Guatemala (17 units) and Sna Jtz’ibajom in Chiapas, Mexico (13). 

Here are some students who are expressing their thanks and certainty that without the laptops they could not have continued.

Yesica Elizabeth
Técnico Universitario en Enfermería con Orientación en Atención Primaria Maya Mam

José Manuel
Técnico Universitario en Enfermería con Orientación en Atención Primaria Maya Q’eqchi’

Licenciatura en Mercadotecnia con Especialidad en Comercio Internacional Maya K’iche’

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