Dear Friends:
In the hope that this reaches you before the flurry of holiday activities, we send you this note.
Our year-end Newsletter has gone out in the mail.* You can click here to read it online.
MEF is grateful for its 30 years of operation, made possible by all of you who care, who volunteer, who are board members, who donate, and who inspire us with words and deeds so often, including our students in Guatemala, Chiapas, and Belize.
We have three new board members: Serita Frey, Randhi Wilson, and Kedron Thomas and are welcoming them warmly. Read more about each of these women on our website. We welcome them, while by year end, we will have to say goodbye to long-time board members Jean-Marie Simon (on board since 2016) and José Ursúa (board member since 2014). We thank them for their dedication and kindnesses over the years.
Not long ago, José said this about why he had wanted to join our board in 2014:

“Serving MEF is a privilege. At the endpoint of your efforts are the futures of individuals, families, and communities. Adding our contribution to making those futures brighter and more hopeful than they would otherwise be is incredibly rewarding. Thanks to our donors, staff and fellow board members for making it possible!”
MEF is lucky to have had, and to have, such dedicated board members.
We all work together at MEF to make lives better for Maya students in Guatemala, Mexico, and Belize. We trust that MEF will remain or, if you are new to MEF, will become present in your minds and hearts as a worthy and good nonprofit, with a track record of helping the Maya people.
We send you warmest wishes for the Holiday Season.
May you feel peace, comfort, and joy!
With kind regards,
Elisabeth S. Nicholson
Executive Director
Going forward, we wonder if more of you would like to go green and receive MEF mailings by email only. It’d be good for the environment and you’d help us save resources and money that can then go towards scholarships for Maya students. If you want to do that, please let us know. We will never share your information.
Of course, we hope you’d still read and respond, and that mails would not get lost in the shuffle or end up in a SPAM folder. – All charities currently struggle with that question of whether to go all digital with their communications vs real mail, or a hybrid solution which we are doing. We’d love to hear your thoughts or experiences about this topic. If you’d like to share them, please email Elisabeth at
And any time you seek more information than we post on our website, know that we are just an email, a message, or a phone call away, in Wellfleet, MA 508-349-1330 at the MEF office or at +1508-246-9924 WhatsApp or Signal, from anywhere in the world. Thank you!
Donating to MEF is easy, by check or by phone. For safe, online donations, one-time or recurring, please go to and click on the orange Donate Now. Our partner Network for Good will process your donations to MEF securely and quickly and give you an instant e-receipt. Consider becoming a recurring donor. Your regular, tax-deductible contributions to MEF, even modest amounts, will add up and make a difference in the lives of Maya students. And, remember that you can also donate stocks or IRA/401-K required distributions to MEF. Thank you.