How we achieve this mission?
We work with our nonprofit partners to provide university-level scholarships to Maya students in Guatemala, Mexico, and Belize.
Maya Educational Foundation • P.O. Box 1483 • Wellfleet, MA 02667, USA • Phone 508-349-1330
Students who only dreamed of studying at university are able to do so because of the MEF scholarships that your generosity makes possible.
“Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world. For, indeed, that's all who ever have.”
Margaret Mead
MEF is a 501(c)(3) public charity. EIN 03-0335159.
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This year marks 20 years of ELP-Guatemala. That is a proud achievement and we salute our amazing and intrepid English Language Program volunteers who are already preparing for the next course in Antigua.
We thank everyone involved in the program which would not exist without its creators and leaders Jane and Bob Greenberg, in coordination with Armando Alfonzo, Laurie Levinger, Lianne Moccia, and Randhi Wilson.
If you’d like to show them and all the volunteers your appreciation, consider a special gift and mark it “for ELP”. Stay tuned about more on ELP-Guatemala and ELP-online in our next E-Bulletin.